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WoW Classic EU - Mirage Raceway

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This is the Black sheep people in game list, that are not trusted and behaving badly like a Child and Baby, here is a list over their Characther names and more. This people are BAD, you need to keep away from this persons as they are Childis Baby's:

Alliance Characther name:

Joepapâ - (Druid) (Cant lisen to Raidleader, even destroyd so the lootchest for the 25 man raid did disappeared)
Problème - (Shaman) (Start Raid events so people dies and wipes)
Alishaa - (Shaman) (Cant lisen to Raidleader)
Nylea - (Druid)
Bad - (Rouge)
Kaleth - (Rouge) - (Norwegian)
Dynasty - (Mage)
Jobcentre - (Mage)
Hugheffner - (Paladin) (Not the real Hugh)
Hughheffnér - (Paladin) (Not the real Hugh)
Peoples - (Paladin)
Memeboy - (Priest)
Packaging - (Paladin)

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