Holyfrey Posted February 1, 2024 Share Posted February 1, 2024 00:08StreamElementsHolyfrey is now live! Streaming Satisfactory: SatisFactory - Now - 31.1.2024 - HolyFrey - MMO - www.holyfrey.live 00:08myaibot has joined the channel. 00:10jejergladsnøstorm i dag jaja 00:11jejergladpå polsk 00:11jejergladvær glad 00:12jejergladliker du grandiosa 00:13jejergladhva med hjemmelaget pizza 00:13StreamStickersGet in on the action by Slapping a Stream Sticker! Type !stickers to learn how. Its Free now. 00:15jejergladjeg tok meg en øl å pizza 00:16jejergladliker du bacardi 00:18Pidgeon has joined the channel. 00:18Pidgeonthanks I manage to join the real mirage server. Is that you sitting in voice channel by yourself? May I join later tonight? 00:18PidgeonThis new one seem a lot nicer people etc. Thanks for showing me 00:19rickytickets has joined the channel. 00:19PidgeonYou have your mic muted in that channel. 00:20PidgeonI cant its on mobile it just shows up with "Holyfrey" name and also a picture that same as your Youtube. Is it a copy of you there too? 00:21yoggsaru has joined the channel. 00:21PidgeonThere are troll in this discord too? 00:22PidgeonThanks those are babies 00:23PidgeonRonnie can go to hell 00:24PidgeonWhich did he do before? 00:24PidgeonThere was a guy called Ronnie before who turned off Hugh's icecrown raid buff. Its probably the same guy 00:25jejergladgullmur 00:26jejergladhar du monopol 00:26PidgeonAh nice I checked and I think they got banned because theres no Holyfrey left in that voice channel. Nice job admins 00:26Pidgeonthat was fast ban 00:28jejergladpå 00:28jejergladpolsk 00:29Pidgeonits difficult when you're using the Discord app have you ever used mobile? 00:32Pidgeonwhat your snapchat 00:33Pidgeonnot even hugh? 00:33Pidgeondont you have a personal account and also a public stream snapchat for subscriber? 00:34Pidgeonisnt tiktok control by the chinese communist party 00:35Pidgeonwhats your information job? 00:36Pidgeondamn the government should give you an upgrade 00:36Pidgeonisnt iphone better technology than samsung? 00:37Pidgeonwhy dont you like apple? 00:37Pidgeonapple is hacking you now for saying bad stuff about them 00:38vlmercy has joined the channel. 00:38Pidgeondid you ever try apple products? 00:41jejergladjeg har spart mye penger i det siste 00:42jejergladi 2023 brukte jeg får mye penger 00:42Pidgeonim watching your tiktok its really cool 00:42Pidgeontheres a video of you riding a kodo 00:43Pidgeontheres a piece of wood holding up your monitor? 00:43Pidgeonare you goingto make more tiktok videos? 00:44Pidgeonthey let you stream there too 00:45jejergladhar du spilt mario kart 00:50wolveder has joined the channel. 00:51Pidgeonare you watching tiktok 01:1200_emilyy has joined the channel. 01:27aliceuwu_x has joined the channel. 01:27aliceuwu_xwhy did you put me on your discord blacklist??? 01:27aliceuwu_xare you a racist? 01:27aliceuwu_xwhy did you put me on your discord blacklist??? 01:27aliceuwu_xare you a racist? 01:28StreamStickersGet in on the action by Slapping a Stream Sticker! Type !stickers to learn how. Its Free now. 01:28aliceuwu_xi am not an internet troll! 01:29aliceuwu_xbut you are an internet troll! 01:29aliceuwu_xi will do in the morning! 01:29aliceuwu_xbe prepared 01:29Holyfreyholyfrey@holyfrey.no 01:30aliceuwu_xyou did turn off hugh buff 01:30StreamElementsRested XP Hardcore Guides are the best, safest fastest way to level your characters in World of Warcraft Classic & Era. Get it here: https://www.restedxp.com/ref/holyfrey/ 01:30aliceuwu_xyou are pooheffner! 01:38markzynk has joined the channel. 02:120__sophia has joined the channel. 02:19jejerglad has joined the channel. 02:34jejergladjeg treffer katter inni mellom 02:35jejergladde sier ikke så mye annet en mjau haha 02:36StreamStickersGet in on the action by Slapping a Stream Sticker! Type !stickers to learn how. Its Free now. 02:36jejergladpå tysk Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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